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Hemp Protein-based Adhesive Enhanced by Chemical Modification and using Lignin-based Epoxy Resin as Novel Chemical Crosslinkers 


2024 USDA-NIFA Competitive Research Support Award

Principal Investigators and affiliations:

PI: Dr. Donghai Wang, Kansas State University

Graduate Student: Roselle Barretto

Funded: $52,980

Start Date: 7/1/2024

End Date: 6/30/2025


Project Goal

This study will employ unfolding agents to modify hempseed protein structure and molecular weight, using lignin-based epoxy resin as a chemical crosslinker to bolster protein bonding strength.



  1. Enhance the adhesive strength of hempseed protein by chemical modification
  2. Enhance the adhesion strength of hempseed protein using lignin-based epoxy resin as novel chemical crosslinkers
  3. Evaluate and characterize the adhesive properties of hempseed protein-based adhesives.


Expected Project Outcomes

The anticipated outcomes include the advancement of enabling technologies that leverage hempseed protein for the creation of biobased adhesives, and the impact of chemical modifications and use of crosslinkers on the performance of hemp protein-based adhesives. 

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