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Structure Dynamics-Guided Biocatalyst Improvement

2009 DOT-RITA Seed Award


PI: Dr. Susie Dai (Texas A&M University, Office of the Texas State Chemist)
Co-PI: Dr.Joshua Yuan (Texas A&M University, Plant Pathology and Microbiology)

Funded: $63,436

Start Date: 7/1/2009

End Date: 6/30/2011


Expected Outcomes

The success in the proposed research will open a new chapter in biocatalyst improvement and greatly benefit the biorefinery industry with three folds. First, we will deliver a novel platform using HDX mass spectrometry for biocatalyst improvement, and the platform can be used for enzyme improvement of various purposes. Second, we will be able to deliver some biocatalysts with higher efficiency and better inhibitor resistance. These biocatalysts will help to improve the biorefinery procedure and biomass conversion efficiency tremendously. Third, the proposed research will help to elucidate the molecular mechanisms for the cellulase enzyme catalysis and inhibition from the dynamic perspectives, which will guide the future enzyme improvement.

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