Jason Bergtold
Farmers' Willingness to Produce Cellulosic Biofuel Feedstocks Under Alternative Contractual, Pricing & Havesting Arrangements
2009 DOT-RITA Integrated Award
PI: Dr. Jason Bergtold (Kansas State University, Agricultural Economics)
Co-PI: Dr. Richard Nelson (Kansas State University)
Co-PI: Dr. Scott Staggenborg (Kansas State University)
Co-PI: Dr. Jeffery Williams (Kansas State University)
Co-PI: Dr. Francis Epplin (Oklahoma State University)
Co-PI: Dr. Michael Langemeier (Kansas State University)
Funded: $233,000
Start Date: 7/1/2009
End Date: 6/30/2013
Expected Outcomes
The expected outcomes of this project include:
- an understanding of the adoption process for biofuel feedstock enterprises, including
socio-economic factors and barriers to adoption;
- an understanding of the complexities and impact of alternative contractual relationships
between farmers and processors/bio-refineries that will be needed to ensure an adequate
long-term supply of biomass feedstock; and
- the timing, location and extent of adoption on cellulosic biofuel feedstock supply. Through this gained knowledge, it is expected that strategies and outreach programs can be developed to promote adoption, assist farmers and processors/bio-refineries with market set-up (including contract, pricing and harvesting arrangements), and guide policymakers about incentive mechanisms to promote market development.
Project deliverables will include project summary reports, economic decision models for adoption and contract analysis, extension events, and publishable reports. Materials will be disseminated to farmers, industry and policymakers via direct contact, the worldwide web and through peer-reviewed publications.