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Sun Grant Program

Breeding and Testing of New Switchgrass Cultivars for Increased Biomass Production In Oklahoma, Arkansas, Texas, and Kansas

2007 DOT-RITA Integrated Award


PI: Dr. Yanqi Wu (Oklahoma State University, Plant and Soil Sciences)
Co-PIs: Dr. Charles West (University of Arkansas); Dr. Charles Taliaferro (Oklahoma State University); Dr. John Fritz (Kansas State University); Dr. James Muir (Stephenville Agricultural Experiment Station)

Funded: $200,000

Start Date: 07/01/2007

End Date: 06/30/2011


Expected Outcomes

Objectives: 1. Conduct a breeding program to develop switchgrass cultivars with increased biomass yield and wide adaptation. 2. Establish a testing network in the south-central United States


Methodology: Population improvement techniques will be used to develop improved cultivars. Inbreeding and specific combining ability will be studied. Field plots will be established using randomized complete block design at five locations.


Expected Outcomes: The deliverables from the project from July1 2007 to June 30 2010 will include: a) four breeding populations advanced from generation C2 to C3, and from C0 to C1, respectively in 2009; b) 6 to 8 new synthetics developed in 2009; c) data on stand density and biomass yield of new synthetics and major commercial cultivars in the establishment year at five locations in 2010; d) data on inbreeding and development of hybrid cultivars in 2010.