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Development of a Skid-Mounted Gasification System for On-Site Heat, Fuel, and Power Production

2007 DOT-RITA Integrated Award


PI: Dr. Sergio Capareda (Texas Agricultural Experiment Station, TAMU Biological and Agricultural Engineering)
Co-PI: Dr. Michael Mailander (Louisiana State University) and Dr. Chandra Theegala (Louisiana State University)
Associate PI: Dr. Michael Farmer (Texas Tech University)

Funded: $279,380

Start Date: 07/01/2007

End Date: 06/30/2011


Expected Outcomes

At the end of the study modular gasification systems shall be developed whose size is applicable to several biomass generating industries in the region.


The technical feasibility of both the fixed bed and fluidized bed gasification systems should have been clearly evaluated by bench-scale and field scale demonstration systems.


The field demonstrations should be able to prove the technical functionality of the systems and its impact on reducing the heat and power requirement of a facility particularly industries generating biomass wastes on site (i.e. cotton gins, animal farms, etc).

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